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Join us for the Funding Innovation Studio Sprint Showcase & Launch Party!

For the past few months, we’ve been building and running experiments and testing our novel approach to creating more funding inclusion and access for women and people of color in the life sciences. We’ve run two experiments using this model, with the help of a group of expert founders, investors, and ecosystem partners.

We’ll be sharing the results of these first two experiments and discussing ways you can activate the learnings & recommendations in your own work. We’ll also be working together to brainstorm future experiments.

If you are passionate about seeing more funding access and opportunity for women and people of color in the life sciences, please join us!


12:30 PM - 2:00 PM: Lunch & Summit Kickoff: Learn about the FIS and our process

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM: Experiment Results Reveal: Hear the two teams talk about our 2024 experiments

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: Future Experiment Brainstorming: Help us plan next year's experiments

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Networking

What is the Funding Innovation Studio?

The Funding Innovation Studio is a LabCentral Ignite program with a mission to increase funding access, opportunity, and inclusion for women and BIPOC founders in the life sciences.

The Funding Innovation Studio convenes and supports innovators from across VC, universities, and entrepreneurial support organizations as they run rapid design sprints to solve the persistent systemic barriers and bias in the fundraising and capital deployment process. The Funding Innovation Studio has an open-source policy, sharing the wins and fails from these experiments with its community of practitioners with the goal to see widespread adoption and replication of emerging best practices in this field.

Learn more about the Funding Innovation Studio.